Hello Friends and Family,
I would like to invite you to celebrate with me my graduation from the doctorate program, (PhD, doctor of philosophy) in Biomedical engineering.
Even though I graduated in August, commencement is December 12th, 2020 at 10 AM at the following link:
Here is a summary of my accomplishments while I was in school:
I earned my doctoral degree in biomedical engineering from two schools: UTSA and The UT Health Science Center of San Antonio. In order to graduate, I had to plan, design, and execute a research project and defend a proposal and dissertation to a committee, who judged my research on scope, depth, quality, and novelty.
Based on my research and other work, I published a total of 7 publications, 2 formal presentations, 2 invited talks, and 7 poster presentations
While I was in school I also worked as a lecturer and developed the course material for two courses: 1) an engineering design course (delivered to 400 undergraduate engineering students) and 2) an introduction to biomedical engineering course. For my work with the Biomedical Engineering course, I received the “Most Influential Professor Award” nominated by one of my students.
I served as a teaching assistant for 7 different courses (some multiple times): tissue mechanics, technology and product development, bioinstrumentation, engineering analysis (differential equations and linear algebra), biomedical engineering lab 1, nanomaterials, nanobiotechnology, and guest lectured for a mechanical engineering medical device design course
I performed with the San Antonio Symphony as a frequent violin substitute for 3-4 years.
I founded and developed my own music business, Kwee Music, which is a collection of musicians who provide music entertainment for special events. Over the years, Kwee Music has been contracted for numerous large and small scale events including Merrill Lynch, The Alamo for the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, the grand opening of Cancer Therapy Research Center (CTRC), and many weddings. The other side of Kwee Music is managing my private violin and piano lesson studio. I have also worked as a clinician and masterclass instructor for local schools including Health Careers High School, Alamo Heights Junior and High School, Vale Middle School, and Marshall High School. I have also been requested to judge for YOSA season auditions, UIL Solo and Ensemble, and Region auditions.
I continued to perform in recitals, masterclasses, and traveled across Texas to compete in young artist competitions and competed at the finalist level against other Young Artists musicians across all instruments!
I was featured in one of international violinist Augustin Hadelich’s videos.
I currently work for Northwest Vista College as a Biology professor and have recently been promoted.
I would like to thank everyone for their support, and especially to my partner and my family.